Mobile App Development Trends To Look Out For In 2019

The switch from accessing the Internet on desktops/laptops to browsing on smartphones has been rather a swift one. According to a report from We are Social, the number of smartphone users worldwide has crossed approximately 5.135 billion.

This clearly indicates that mobile apps are a culture we all have grown accustomed to. In fact, as per Statista, mobile apps are expected to generate $188.9 billion as global revenue by the year 2020. Thus gaining speed and momentum from the statistics mentioned, 2019 is likely to bring an around even brighter future for mobile app development. So, in order to win big at the application development industry, your brand needs to keep up with the hottest upcoming trends.

The following list will provide you with a clear idea of what to expect in the coming years and why to integrate these emerging technologies in order to deliver an ultimate user experience.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
As per IDC, by the end of this year, over 75% of workers utilizing ERP solutions will take help of Artificial Intelligence to expand profitability and proficiency. With AI digging such deep roots in mobile apps, we just can’t neglect its significance in the innovation of mobile.

Both AI and ML have impacted the world of mobile more than we may have realized. AI makes itself manifest in the form of chatbots. In fact, Siri is one of the biggest proofs and examples why machine learning and artificial intelligence are a crucial a part of mobile apps and ones that are now inseparable.

Thus, the rising demand for both these technologies in the form of virtual assistants and chatbots is what we’re looking at and what 2019 will bring for us.

Wearables: A Must-Have Accessory
There is no denying the fact that the market for wearables is expanding its operations day by day, thus, creating a huge demand for wearable apps. According to a recent report by Statista, it is estimated that the total revenue from sales of wearable devices will reach a threshold of $33.78 billion by 2019.

wearable devices data

This sector mainly focuses on providing apps that are cost-efficient and offer greater availability to the end-users. For instance, today there is an alarming increase in healthcare diseases and risks caused due to an unhealthy lifestyle. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, wearables like fitness trackers are used to monitor factors like calories, heart rate and pulse rate of the users.

Also, the fashion statement it adds to your dressing is an add-on you just cannot deny.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
‘Pokémon Go’ might have been a temporary storm on the eastern seaboard, but AR and VR are here to stay. Predicted to reap over $200 billion in revenues by 2020, developers are expected to create breathtaking mobile app experiences in AR and VR.

A majority of people believe that the year 2019 will be the year of the ‘Beyond the Screen’ Apps, meaning applications integrating the AR and VR technology. For most of us, these technologies have now become something that combines a futuristic approach and an entertainment aspect. Seen on social media platforms for the purpose of branding campaigns and targeting audiences through mobile apps, they are everywhere. For instance, Instagram and Snapchat have been releasing unique AR integrated filters that can easily turn a human face into different digital characters.

Android Instant Apps
2016 saw the birth of instant apps – native mobile applications that are smaller in size than usual apps, user-friendly and highly convenient because there is, well, just no need for downloading. As the name suggests, they can be accessed instantly without any download at all. What else could be better than this?

With users constantly demanding enhanced user experience and shorter load time, instant apps are indeed the trend that 2019 is ought to welcome for good, thus eliminating the waiting time required during installation.

Final Takeaway
These are just some of the mind-boggling mobile app trends that industries will witness in the coming year. In order to sustain in the long run, brands are required to construe to these changing trends and evolve their brands accordingly.

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Author’s Bio

Smarth Aggarwal - Sr. App Developer

Holding the position of senior software engineer at Nethues, his approach towards work is quite simple and straight. By investing his knowledge and experience with iOS.

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